Pluto's 90th Anniversary

Photo of Pluto

Join us on the 90th anniversary of the discovery of Pluto. We'll be hosting short talks on how Pluto was discovered, how it formed, its geology, and why it's no longer considered a planet. There will be plenty of opportunity to ask all your burning questions about Pluto (as well as lament its demotion).

The event format will be four 10 minute talks followed by a group Q&A. See speaker biographies below.

Please note that no food or drink will be available for purchase. Doors will open at 5:45pm.


Alex Wallace completed a Bachelor of Science and Master of Philosophy in high energy astrophysics at the University of Adelaide. He is now in his final year of a PhD at Mount Stromlo working on the detection of young planets in other solar systems (known as exoplanets) through direct imaging.

Adam Rains is a PhD student at the ANU Research School of Astronomy & Astrophysics, where he works to understand the properties of southern hemisphere stars and how they relate to any exoplanets they might host.

Geoff Bonning has been interested in space, and the Solar System in particular, from a young age and he studied as much science as he could through school. He did his undergraduate in Physics and Geology at the University of Queensland. Geoff first came to the Research School of Earth Sciences at ANU to do his honours research on chondrites, the oldest and most primitive meteorites in the Solar System. He continued studying these as part of his ongoing PhD, studying how the different building blocks of planets were distributed through the Solar System when it first formed.

Eloise Birchall is a PhD student at the Research School of Astronomy and Astrophysics. She studies the earliest stages of star and planet formation to figure out where and when planets start to form. Her scientific interests are all stages of star and planet formation.