Higher Degree Research Information Days

The Research School of Astronomy and Astrophysics, The Australian National University, runs a number of bachelors and higher degree research programs, including honours, PhD and a new Masters of Astronomy and Astrophysics (Advanced). We will be conducting information days for prospective 2017 students conducted in small groups, with preferable days Thursdays and Fridays until 27-28 October.

This Masters Advanced is a new prestigious pathway into a PhD in Astronomy & Astrophysics which can be taken instead of, or in addition to, Honours. The Masters Advanced is a 2-year advanced coursework masters, which includes 50% coursework and 50% research. The total time spent on research is one full-time year, spread over two years, and is equivalent to the Masters that is taken before PhD in Europe and the US under the Bologna Model. We believe this kind of program is necessary to give Australian students the breadth and depth to compete internationally. We are offering Masters Advanced scholarships with tax-free stipends of AUD$10,000 p.a., and also have a range of PhD scholarships and top-up scholarships available.

On the information days, you will get the chance to hear about the latest research at RSAA from many of Australia’s top astronomers, will be able to tour the facilities at the Advanced Instrumentation and Technology Centre and will be able to socialise with current students. Astronomers at Mt Stromlo include Nobel laureate Professor Brian Schmidt, Laureate Fellows Lisa Kewley and Martin Asplund, six Fellows of the Australian academy of science and five ARC future fellows.

We are offering free travel and accommodation to top candidates to attend information days. To apply, please send a description of any previous research experience, your academic transcript and curriculum vitae to masters@mso.anu.edu.au. For more information about studying at RSAA, please see our study page.

Updated:  23 February 2018/Responsible Officer:  RSAA Director/Page Contact:  Webmaster